You may have seen it popping up on your social media feed, or perhaps you’ve heard about it through your child’s school..
Te Wero ia Wenerei - The Wednesday Challenge is about replacing your normal school drop off and pick up routine with an alternative like biking, walking, skating, scootering, traveling by bus or carpooling with others in your neighbourhood on Wednesdays throughout September, October and November 2023.
The idea is to help reduce road congestion, make our roads safer, our environment cleaner and your health and wellbeing better.
Jess Buske decided to sign up to the Challenge with her daughter Kohe after seeing information about it on a friend’s Facebook page. She says she’s always looking for motivating ways to keep fit within the daily grind, and is all too familiar with battling the traffic along with all the other parents and caregivers when she drops Kohe off at Central School each morning.
“My daughter Kohe is at Gisborne Central School, and we battle the traffic every morning, along with all the parents and caregivers.
They had a cool bike ride to school through Whataupoko on the first day of their challenge, "Kohe spotted more than ten Tui having their breakfast in a tree, and then got to cuddle a newborn lamb who was hanging out with people who were gardening near the roadside. Epic start to the challenge!

Biking together means we get to start our day connecting through exercise and discovery, without the distraction of calls or messages, and without the stress that comes with finding a car park”.
There are heaps of prizes to be won, including $$ for schools. Parents, friends and whānau of students at a participating Tairāwhiti school, can also sign up to join their School’s team, and when you travel differently on a Wednesday your points will also go to your nominated school.
You can find all the details here: https://www.wednesdaychallenge.co.nz/location/tairawhiti