Tāne Ora Unconference: Empowering Men, Empowering Communities
Fri, 27 Oct
a free two-day event centered around empowering men and empowering our community. Hear from local change-makers and community leaders, meet people who want to be the change and get inspired by the potential for growth within Tairāwhiti.

Time & Location
27 Oct 2023, 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Gisborne, 71 Peel Street, Gisborne 4010, New Zealand
About the event
Chances are, you’ll recognise these names; Tim Marshal from Tauawhi Men’s Centre, Cain Kerehoma from Tāiki e! Impact House, Krissy Mackintosh from Hear4U and Keelan Poi from The Bush Kura.
If you don’t, then that’s even more reason to get yourself a ticket for Tāne Ora, a free two-day event centered around empowering men and empowering our community. Hear from local change-makers and community leaders, meet people who want to be the change and get inspired by the potential for growth within Tairāwhiti.
On the first day, listen to Ted-Talk style presentations from a range of community movers and shakers, enjoy kai from Gem Cuisine and meet other people who want to be part of a positive future and violence prevention. The second day puts the power in the hands of the attendees who decide what they want to learn more about in an ‘unconference’ format.
Tauawhi and Tāiki e! are hosting the event in the belief that our people hold the answers for building a safe community of caring men. This kaupapa will help build our ecosystem of community leadership and hopes to spark new ideas and innovations to meet the complex needs within our community.
Thursday 26th and Friday 27th October 10-4pm.
Book your ticket via humanatix: https://events.humanitix.com/taneora-unconference?fbclid=IwAR17Suqtp0kru1mwow0Vt0xrHMrxt2WhQI3zEfa8-WzISPq0iyDaIzlCM4k